"10th ESP World Conference: 10 years advancing ecosystem services science, policy and practice for a sustainable future"
The Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) invites you to join their 10th World Conference anniversary!
The conference offers:
– High-level international keynote speakers who adress the conference theme from their respective backgrounds
– Over 50 topic sessions related to the variety of the ESP thematic, biome and sectoral Working Group topics and cross-cutting issues
– An integrated business-oriented event focussed on science-business collaboration on Thursday, 24 October, including a market place
– Interesting field trips to unique regions in and around Hannover on Wedneyday, 23 October
– A conference dinner in the baroque Herrenhausen Castle on Tuesday, 22 October
– Many other side-events, trainings and project meetings related to ecosystem services and natural capital
– An inspiring atmosphere for work and interaction at the Leibniz University Hannover (Monday, 21 October) and the Hannover Congress Center (Tuesday – Friday).
You are invited to join as a participant, an oral or poster presenter, sponsor and/or exhibitor. Reduced participation fees are available for students, delegates from low-income countries and ESP members. Also early-bird and day registration is offered.
Have a look at www.espconference.org to find out more about the program and abstract submission and registration deadlines!
Institute for Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology Leibniz University Hannover
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